

Tips for Smart & Happy Riding This Winter!

Posted on Jan 6 2020

Welcome back to Winter Quarter! Winter is our busiest time a.k.a most crowded. Here are some helpful tips to ensure you arrive on-time to class:


1. Have your reg card, pass, or cash fare ready before the bus arrive.


2. Pack lightly or be prepared prior to boarding to take off your backpacks.


3. Leave no open seats and move ALL the way to the back of the bus and try not to bottleneck/congregate at the doors.


4. Try taking a bus that arrives on campus around :15 min after the hour (a.k.a 8:15am or 9:15am) or :30 min after the hour (a.k.a 8:30am or 9:30am). Buses arriving around :40 min and :50 min after the hour are typically OVERCROWDED.


5. Be patient and kind to your fellow riders, drivers, and conductors.


Thank you!