Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How to Ride

  • I've never been on Unitrans or on a bus. How do I ride the bus?
  • Just watch this short video to learn how to ride the bus here in Davis! It's easy! Click here for video!

Where to Buy a Pass

  • Where can I buy a transit pass? 
  • Passes are available at the UC Davis Campus Store in the Memorial Union, UC Davis Downtown Store, the Unitrans Business Office (Room 5 in South Hall on UC Davis campus), and on your smartphone by downloading the ZipPass app! Please note that fares are subject to change and are not refundable.
  • Is it possible for UC Davis employees and grad students to purchase passes at a lower cost?
  • There are currently no discounts for staff or faculty. For graduate students, if you are part of the United Auto Workers union, contact Transportation Services for information on pass discounts at 530-754-3687 or for more information.
  • Where can I get a Unitrans Access (Senior or Disabled) Pass?
  • Applications for the Access Pass are available at Unitrans senior passes are also available to passengers 60 years and older at the Senior Center at A St. & 7th St. and at the Unitrans Business Office at 5 South Hall on the UC Davis campus.

Commendations and Complaints

  • How do I file a complaint or a commendation?
  • If you wish to make a commendation or complaint about our service, please call Unitrans information at 752-BUSS (2877) or send us an email at If your complaint or commendation is about a particular incident, please provide as much information as possible and applicable, including the bus line, the four-digit number on the vehicle, the location, the direction of travel, and the time of day. Click here for more information.
  • How does someone make a complaint related to a federal requirement such as Title VI, Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO), the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), racial or ethnic discrimination (Title VI), or any other suspected violation of civil rights?
  • Unitrans, as a recipient of Federal Transit Administration funds, follows all federal non-discrimination policies, including Title VI of the Civil Rights Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act, and Equal Employment Opportunity. No person in the United States shall, on the grounds of race, color, religion, national origin, gender, age, or disability be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.

    Click here for more information on filing a Title VI complaint.

    Click here for more information on filing an ADA complaint.

    Click here for information on filing all other complaints.

Travel Outside of Davis

  • How do I get from Davis to Sacramento,Woodland, or Sacramento Airport?
  • Yolobus route 42 goes to Sacramento, West Sacramento, and Woodland. Go to or call 530-666-2877 for more information. UC Davis undergraduate students ride Yolobus for free by showing the driver their AggieCard.
  • How do I get to Berkeley or the Bay Area from Davis?
  • The UC Davis Berkeley Shuttle can take UC Davis students and affiliates from Davis to Berkeley. Call 530-752-UBUS or the shuttle web page for details. If you need to get elsewhere in the Bay Area or anywhere in California, try Amtrak. Their station is located on Second St. at H St. (on the Unitrans A, O, or Z bus). Go to, or the Capitol Corridor or call 1-800-USA-RAIL for information.

Bus Arrival Information

  • Is there a mobile app for getting real-time bus information?
  • Yes, there are several mobile apps that use publicly-available real-time data for Unitrans bus locations.  Unitrans real-time data is powered by Umo IQ. Google Maps, Apple Maps, and other third party apps for iPhone and Android use the real-time data feed. Unitrans does not have our own mobile app and recommends using the UC Davis Mobile App, Google Maps, or Apple Maps. No apps are under Unitrans' control and we cannot vouch for their accuracy.
  • How can I find the 3-digit stop number for my bus stop?
  • The 3-digit stop number provides a way to get automated next bus information 24 hours a day.  The number is located on the bus stop sign to the right of the Unitrans double-decker logo (under the word “Stop #”).  If you need to look up the stop number online, use the stop time predictor on the Unitrans home page.  When you select a line and a stop, you will see the time predictions.  To the right of that, there is a phone symbol and the stop number for that stop is shown there.  That also shows the direct dial phone number for NextBus information, which is 530-204-5529.
  • Why do buses that are “Out of Service” sometimes show up on the NextBus map and time predictions?
  • Sometimes when a bus is late and/or crowded, a 2nd bus (called a “tripper” bus) is dispatched to that line.  Often, the extra bus will serve the stops ahead of the regular bus, getting to those stops on time or slightly late.  Because those stops have been served, the regular bus can go out of service, which allows it to bring its passengers to the terminal faster and arrive closer to on time than would be possible if it were to serve all the remaining stops.  Generally, this is an efficient way to serve all the passengers on a line with timely service, but it can lead to confusion when using NextBus.  That is because there will be a period of time when the system will see two buses as being in service on the same run, and it will show predictions for both buses. The use of trippers can also cause a predicted time to change quite suddenly, because the bus that was late is replaced by a bus that is on time.  The use of trippers can also cause a predicted time to change quite suddenly, because the bus that was late is replaced by a bus that is on time.  We recommend that customers remain aware of the scheduled time when arriving at a bus stop and get to their stop 2-5 minutes BEFORE the scheduled arrival. If you see two predictions that are close together, use the schedule time or the earlier prediction to plan your arrival time at the stop.

Bus Charters

  • Does Unitrans operate private charter service?
  • No, Unitrans does not operate private charter bus service. For questions about public bus service and charter alternatives, please contact 530-752-2877 or email
  • I need to park on bus at UC Davis for a field trip. Can I park at the Unitrans facility?
  • Possibly! Click here for more information and guidelines.

Bus Routes & Service

  • Is the T line just for junior and senior high students?
  • The T line is sometimes considered to be similar to school buses, but it is actually a public transit bus open to all riders. The route and times are designed to supplement the regular lines that may not offer as convenient service to the Davis secondary schools. Because the focus of this route is on the secondary schools, the daily times change based on the school schedules. These times are published on the Unitrans web page and in our printed schedules so that any rider can use these services like any other Unitrans bus line. 
  • Why do the regular lines not run on Friday nights?
  • While Unitrans is a full public transit system, it is operated by employees who are also full-time students at UC Davis. The number of hours in service each day is quite extensive and places many demands on the time of the student employees. Friday nights have traditionally been periods of low ridership demand, and not offering service at these times provides some rest time for our drivers.
  • Why don’t more buses serve Downtown Davis?
  • Unitrans buses are routed to maximize the efficiency of the service.  Because roughly 90% of our riders are destined for the UC Davis campus, the two campus terminals at the MU and Silo are the primary “hubs” for the system.  The bus lines that serve East Davis and South Davis serve downtown directly on their way to or from the UC Davis campus providing frequent service along 1st St (W and M lines), 2nd St (A/Z/O lines), 5th St. (E, P, Q and M lines), and B St (L & M line).  For service from West Davis and North Davis, passengers can make an easy transfer at either terminal to one of these lines.  Sometimes the same bus continues downtown and there is no need to get off the bus.  In other cases, you need to change buses, but the wait is usually less than 5 minutes and is never more than 10 minutes.
  • Can I take Unitrans to the Mondavi Center?
  • Not directly.  The closest bus stops are the Shields/Art Building stops along Hutchison Drive (Z, L, W lines). These stops are about 1/3rd-mile from the Mondavi Center. Monday-Thursday service operates until 10:10 p.m. (10:35 p..m. on the W-line) and Fridays until 8:10 p.m.  There is no weekend service near the Mondavi Center.  Please check the printed schedule or call Unitrans information at 752-BUSS (2877).
  • How do I get to Aggie Stadium for football games and other weekend events?
  • There are no routes to/from the stadium during football games. The nearest routes that serve the stadium are the G, P, Q, and U lines.  See the "Routes" tab for specific schedules and use Google Maps for trip planning. These bus lines are approximately a 10 minute walk to the stadium.

Customer Accommodations

  • How does someone make a request for reasonable accommodations or modifications related to the ADA?
  • In accordance with the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (“ADA”), Unitrans will not discriminate against individuals with disabilities in its services, programs, or activities.  Unitrans will make all reasonable modifications to policies and programs to ensure that people with disabilities have an equal opportunity to participate in all of its programs, services, and activities.  Anyone who requires a modification of policies or procedures to participate in a program, service, or activity of Unitrans, should contact:

    Unitrans Assistant General Manager, Administration
    1 Shields Avenue
    Davis, CA  95616
    (530) 752-6525

    Note that the ADA does not require Unitrans or any other transit system to take any action that would fundamentally alter the nature of its program or services or impose an undue financial or administrative burden.  Complaints that a program, service, or activity of Unitrans is not accessible to persons with disabilities should be directed to the AGM for Administration.

  • It is very difficult for me to board the bus without the ramp.  Why doesn’t the driver lower the ramp for me?
  • Unitrans drivers are happy to assist any passenger who needs the ramp to board the bus upon the passenger’s request.  Not all passengers want to have the ramp deployed, and they could be hurt if a driver starts to lower the ramp at the same time that a passenger is attempting to board the bus.  Consequently, drivers are instructed not to assume that any passenger needs the bus ramp, unless the passenger is on a mobility device such as a wheelchair or scooter.  If you need the assistance of the bus ramp to make it easier to board the bus, just ask the driver and he/she will be happy to do so for you.
  • What if I have a group that is traveling on the bus, such as a school field trip?
  • If you are traveling in a group, we suggest buying 10-ride tickets on ZipPass in advance. This will both save money and speed the boarding process. Just be sure to have purchased enough rides to cover all the passengers in both directions (for example, a group of 20 people would need four 10-ride tickets [=40 rides] to accommodate 20 passengers going and 20 passengers returning). Also, if a large group is traveling, you may want to check with Unitrans information (752-2877) to see if the bus is likely to have enough room to carry everyone. If not, you may want to split the group up, with some either riding an earlier time or a nearby line. Unfortunately, virtually all Unitrans buses are in service throughout the day, and it is usually not possible to add an extra bus for group trips.
  • Are pets allowed on Unitrans buses?
  • Only service animals are allowed on Unitrans buses.  Any other animals brought on board must be fully contained in a carrying device and must not cause any disturbance to other passengers.
  • What are the rules for mobility assistance devices?
  • Unitrans bus ramps comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and are able to accommodate a “common wheelchair” as defined in the ADA regulations. A common wheelchair is defined as being not more than 48″ in length or 30″ in width (measured 2? above the ground) and not weighing more than 600 pounds when occupied. If a wheelchair user has one that exceeds these specifications, that individual should contact us for assistance. Securement: All passenger seats must be secured. Passengers seated in a wheelchair or other mobility aid must permit drivers to secure their device to the floor of the bus.

Bus Operations

  • On a double deck bus, why do conductors & drivers sometimes not let customers go to the top deck of the bus?
  • That's easy! The conductors and drivers are trying to get you to school and home as quickly as possible! The double decker buses are much slower than a single deck bus and the more people there are upstairs, the more likely that your trip will take longer. On low ridership trips, the conductors and drivers, at their discretion, may not allow customers upstairs. If a bus starts to become full though, they may let customers go upstairs. The conductor and driver have your safety and schedule always in mind!
  • I am running to catch the bus, but the driver closes the door and drives away.  Why doesn’t the driver stop to let me on the bus?
  • When the driver is getting ready to leave, he/she is looking around to ensure that it is safe to pull the bus out into the traffic lane.  Consequently, it is likely that the driver may not see you coming before pulling out of the stop.  Once the driver pulls away from the stop, it is generally no longer safe to allow a passenger to board a bus.  Unitrans places the safety of its customers and employees as the number one priority, and drivers will not take any action that would potentially put someone’s safety in jeopardy.
  • Buses are often really crowded, especially at peak times.  Is there a legal limit on how many people can be on a bus? 
  • Unitrans follows all of the rules and regulations that apply to the provision of public transportation services in order to maintain the safety of our passengers. On behalf of the City of Davis, Unitrans provides a regularly scheduled, fixed-route passenger bus service throughout the City and is subject to the rules that apply to urban transit services, not those that apply to school bus services.  The full text of the regulation is included at the end of this answer.

    Given the high demand for Unitrans service, especially at peak times, as well as budget constraints that limit our ability to fund more buses and more bus drivers, there is no question that some buses are very crowded.  Our goal is to safely transport as many passengers as possible to their destinations and we do not want to leave riders behind.  Although this may be uncomfortable at times, it is not unsafe.  If a passenger feels that a bus is too crowded, he/she may decline to board the bus and take another bus instead.  When the driver sees that the bus is completely full and can carry no additional customers behind the white safety line, the driver will inform customers waiting at bus stops that he/she cannot take additional passengers.  Unitrans will make all attempts to send out a “tripper” bus (if both a bus and a bus driver are available) to pick up those customers.  Note also that Unitrans monitors ridership data on all runs and provides statistics on bus crowding as part of its ongoing reporting program.

    The specific rule for the transportation of passengers on regularly scheduled transit service comes from the California Code of Regulations, Title 13, Section 1217(e), which reads as follows:

    “(e) Standing Passengers. A vehicle shall not be put in motion until all passengers are seated, and all passengers must remain seated while the vehicle is in motion. Standing passengers are permitted only on a bus (except a school bus, SPAB, or youth bus) operated in regularly scheduled passenger stage service or urban and suburban service by a common carrier or publicly-owned transit system, and equipped with grab handles or other means of support for standing passengers, and constructed so that standing room in the aisle is at least 74 in. high.” (emphasis added)

  • Why do some buses go out of service before they get to my stop?
  • This can happen on the more frequent lines, especially at the times when buses are scheduled 10 minutes apart. If the first bus is late, it may start picking up people expecting to take the next bus. This makes the early bus later and sometimes the following bus catches up to it. At that point, there is no sense having both buses follow each other into the terminal, so the first bus will go out of service to bring those people on the bus to their stops faster (while the second bus picks up at the remaining stops).
  • What is the meaning of the orange flags that are sometimes held out at the back of the double deck buses?
  • These reflective, orange flags warn traffic of a stopped or slow-moving vehicle, as an extra precaution. We use these flags whenever a double deck pulls into or out of a stop, navigates around a hazard (such as a double-parked delivery truck) or travels over railroad tracks. When a bus is pulled over at a stop, the conductor extends the flag to indicate that passengers are getting off the bus in order to alert other vehicles of their presence.
  • Why are there no bike racks on Unitrans buses, like other transit systems?
  • This seems ironic, since Davis is known for its support of bicycling. However, unlike other larger cities, the entire city of Davis can be easily traversed by bicycle, so most people who might want to use the bus for a portion of their trip can simply cycle the entire distance in Davis. Also, the high use of bikes in Davis makes it more similar to European cities, which typically do not use bike racks.  Note that there may be occasions when transporting your bike is necessary and this is accommodated in two ways. All YoloBus buses have bike racks and these routes cover much of Davis. In addition, bikes are allowed to be carried inside Unitrans buses on the last trip of each day and all day on weekends (except Picnic Day).
  • I sometimes see someone standing very close to the bus driver and talking the entire time I’m on the bus.  It seems that this would be distracting to the driver and unsafe for the passengers on the bus.  Is this allowed while the bus is moving?
  • Unitrans constantly recruits for and trains new drivers, in both classroom and behind-the-wheel settings.  After the driver is tested and receives his/her Class B drivers license, the driver is allowed to drive the bus with passengers and is accompanied by a Unitrans route trainer to assist the driver in becoming more knowledgeable of Unitrans’ bus routes and on-the-road operating conditions.  The route trainer is positioned close to the driver so that the trainer can help take control of the bus should the need arise.

    Please be assured that all Unitrans drivers receive a significant amount of training before being assigned to driver shifts, so the safety of our passengers is always our number one priority.

Bus Schedule

  • Why is my bus sometimes late?
  • Unitrans makes every effort to stay on schedule. However, we are not able to guarantee that service disruptions or schedule changes will not occur due to uncontrollable circumstances such as accidents, road conditions, unexpected high passenger loads, or weather. We attempt to deploy additional tripper buses whenever routes get behind or the passenger loads are unexpectedly high. We also provide real-time information with predicted bus arrival times (via Umo IQ/NextBus), and that information is available at all times via phone (530-752-2877).
  • Why is there not a time shown for my bus stop on the Unitrans schedule?
  • Due to space constraints on the schedule we are not able to include times for every stop on each bus line. As such, only timed bus stops are presented in the schedule. To determine when a bus is scheduled at your nearest bus stop, just look at the time the bus is scheduled at the timed stop located before your stop and be at your stop by that time. This will ensure that you will not miss your bus. If you do want to find out the approximate time the bus stops at your specific stop, try using our on-line services such as Google Transit or Umo IQ/NextBus.
  • Why do the bus schedules change during the year depending on the UC Davis calendar?
  • Although Unitrans buses are used by the entire Davis community, over 90% of the riders are UC Davis students. With the reduced number of riders during times when UC Davis is not session, it is not cost effective (or as environmentally beneficial) for the service to run as frequently.


  • What is the story behind the double deck buses running in Davis?
  • Unitrans’ symbol is the London double deck bus. Two of these buses were purchased back in 1968 direct from London to attract people to use the service. Unitrans is the only transit company in the United States to use authentic London double deck buses in daily service. The vintage buses were joined in 2010 by two modern double deckers.

Transit Information

  • Where is the Unitrans Business Office?
  • The Unitrans Business Office is located in the basement of South Hall (Room 5) on the campus of the University of California-Davis. 
  • I need information in the bus schedule translated into another language.  How do I get this information?  How much does it cost?
  • As part of our commitment to civil rights and accessibility to all, Unitrans works to provide transit information in Spanish and Mandarin, which are the two non-English languages spoken most frequently within the City of Davis.  Upon request, Unitrans will translate any information that we publish into any language and provide it to anyone free of charge.  Please send translation requests to Unitrans at, and please specify the specific information and language translation needed. 

Contracting Opportunities

  • What are the current Unitrans / City of Davis goals for Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBEs)?
  • Unitrans and the City of Davis, as recipients of Federal Transit Administration funds has a three-year goal for Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) participation in federally funded contracts.  The current goal for DBE participation is 1.0%.  The full DBE Program Plan is available here.  Note that a list of certified DBE firms is available from Caltrans, as part of the statewide Unified Certification Program.

Jobs at Unitrans

  • Driving buses looks fun! How can I get a job at Unitrans?
  • Unitrans is a student-operated system and part-time jobs are available to any UC Davis undergraduate, including drivers, mechanics, and office staff. We are always looking for new people! You can see our job listings and get an application at the ASUCD Job Board on the third floor of the Memorial Union building or go to
  • I live in South Africa and hold a commercial drivers license.  How can I get a job with Unitrans?
  • We get many inquiries from folks in South Africa seeking employment with Unitrans Supply Chain Solutions or Unitrans Passenger, which are not affiliated in any way with ASUCD-Unitrans here at the University of California-Davis.  Please refer to this link for more information: 

Bus Stops

  • Wondering if a bus stop is easily accessible?
  • Unitrans has a list of all bus stops and notes where parking and other issues may make it difficult for the bus to stop directly at the bus stop sign.

    Bus Stop List in Stop ID Order

    Bus Stop List in Alphabetical Order by Location

  • Can Unitrans put a bench at all bus stops so that I have a place to sit while waiting for a bus?
  • You can request a bench or shelter by calling 530-752-2877 and Unitrans will log the request. Please note that additional amenities are dependent on requests, ridership, available land, and funding. Requested improvements may not be possible.
  • Why do some bus stops have shelters but not others?  How does Unitrans decide where to put up a shelter?
  • Shelter placement is determined by requests, stop usage, available public land, and funding. You can request a bench or shelter by calling 530-752-2877 and Unitrans will log the request. Requested improvements may not be possible.
  • How often are bus stops cleaned? Who can I call if the bus stop needs cleaning?
  • Most bus stops are cleaned at least once a week by either Unitrans or City of Davis staff.  If you see that a bus stop needs maintenance, please contact Unitrans at (530) 752-2877 or and provide the location of the bus stop and the stop ID number shown on the bus stop sign.
  • How can I report graffiti at a bus stop?
  • Please contact Unitrans at (530) 752-2877 or send an email message to, and provide the location of the bus stop (including the bus stop number if possible).  Unitrans and the City of Davis strive to clean up graffiti generally within 24 hours of receiving a report.
  • I know that smoking is not allowed at the Unitrans bus terminals on campus.  What about bus stops off campus?
  • The City of Davis Municipal Code states that smoking is prohibited in any place where people are using or waiting for a service, including bus stops.

Bus Fleet

  • How can I ride a double deck bus?
  • The vintage double deck buses run hourly on the G line in the morning during the UC Davis academic year. Check the printed schedule (or online pdfs) and where you see a DD symbol above the run, that is when a vintage double deck bus may be in service.  The modern doubledecker buses run on the G, J, and V lines on the runs that leave/arrive on the hour and half-hour.
  • Why do I still see diesel buses being run by Unitrans?
  • Unitrans has converted all of its single-deck fleet to Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) and is now converting all single deck buses to electric power, but most of the double-deck buses are fueled by 100% renewable diesel. Double deck bus RT2819 has been converted from diesel to CNG, and all the other double-decks use very clean diesel engines either as original equipment (modern double-decker buses) or as conversions (vintage double-decker buses). The modern double deckers will eventually be replaced with zero emission buses.
  • Can Unitrans run smaller buses?
  • Unitrans has exceptionally high ridership for a system of its size, carrying over 18,000 riders per day in our community. This translates to over 50 passengers per bus hour, which is higher than many large urban transit systems. Although not every bus is full for every trip, all carry a full load at various times throughout the day. If the same number of riders were to be carried on smaller buses, there would need to be dozens more buses in operation throughout the day, representing a significant increase in the cost to provide the service as well as more traffic on the streets. Ideally, we could have different size buses for different times of day, but that would also represent a very significant cost increase above current funding levels. Unitrans has several 20-passenger shuttle buses that are used in special services when a full-size bus is not required, but these cannot accommodate the number of passengers who ride the regular lines.

Lost and Found

  • What happens if I leave something on the bus?
  • The Lost and Found policy at Unitrans has recently changed to be consistent with the UC Davis campuswide procedures. High value items (such as cell phones, wallets, and purses) are turned into the UC Davis Police Department (the day after they are found on the bus). Call 530-752-1727 for the UC Davis Police Department. All other items are brought to our business office located in South Hall, Room 5 (Basement Level) the next day.

    If an item is left on a bus, passengers are allowed to search the bus for their lost item. It is against Unitrans policy to ask drivers over the radio to search a bus for a lost item as it may jeopardize the security of the item

    Although we will do our best to help you find a lost item, Unitrans is not responsible for any items left on a bus.  Please note that there are different buses with different drivers on each line throughout the day, and it may not be possible for us to track it down until it is turned in the next day.  Please try to be extra careful to check that you have all your personal items with you prior to leaving the bus.


  • Can I ride Unitrans & Yolobus for free?
  • All UC Davis undergraduates pay for Unitrans & Yolobus in their undergraduate registration fees. By showing a Unitrans or Yolobus driver your valid undergraduate AggieCard, you may ride without paying the cash fare. Other riders can also ride without paying a fare by buying a pass for unlimited rides or getting an Access Pass (Seniors and people with disabilities only). Discounted 10-ride tickets are also offered and are particularly valuable for occasional riders.
  • I forgot my AggieCard at home.  Can I still ride without paying?
  • Without a valid pass or registration card, a passenger must pay the full cash fare.
  • I am a UC Davis graduate student. Why can’t I ride for free?
  • Graduate students do not pay for Unitrans in their registration fees like undergrads do.
  • I have a Woodland Community College or Los Rios Student Access card. Can I ride Unitrans for free?
  • Unitrans does not accept Woodland Community College student cards. For Los Rios Community College, Unitrans accepts the Los Rios Community College ZipPass mobile bus pass.
  • I have a Yolobus / Sacramento Regional Transit pass. Can I use it on Unitrans?
  • Unitrans accepts printed Yolobus and Sacramento Regional Transit (Sac RT) passes and transfers. Unitrans also accepts Amtrak and Solano Express transit passes and transfers as valid fare.  However, electronic-only media such as Yolobus stored value cards and Sacramento Connect Card cannot be used on Unitrans as valid fare.  That is because they cannot be verified by the bus driver.  If you are using a Connect Card on Yolobus and wish to transfer to Unitrans, please request a printed transfer from the Yolobus driver, and then use that as your fare when boarding Unitrans.
  • Are fares not collected at the Silo and MU terminals?
  • As a convenience to riders, buses at the terminals are left open even when a driver is not present.  Rather than check fares for some passengers but not all, Unitrans drivers do not check for anyone’s fare at the terminals.  In effect, fares at the MU and Silo terminals are on the honor system. We ask that cash paying customers please pay their fare into the farebox at the terminals before boarding. Fares and passes pay for Unitrans service. Without this revenue, service levels may be impacted and our ability to reduce crowded buses and improve reliability is impacted.
  • What is the policy on issuing transfers?
  • For a passenger paying with cash or a 10-ride ticket, the driver or conductor will issue a transfer if another bus is needed to complete your trip. Transfers are good for one hour and can be used as many times as you want during that one hour.